Believe the Facts and not the Factoids!
Don’t believe all the content of grammar books! I’ve just been
reminded that not all you read, even in an apparently factual book, is necessarily true. In fact, not all the facts contained in grammar books are
actually facts, because they are not, in fact, true. Some facts are actually
A factoid, according to the Guardian, is not a small fact but
is rather a mistaken assumption. For example, I learn that Napoleon, who was
supposed to be a small man who sought power to compensate for his lack of
height, was not small at all by the standards of the day. In those days, the
average Frenchman stood at 5’ 2”, whereas Napoleon was 5’ 6” in height. It is
said that the Emperor looked short when flanked by his imperial guards.
That – my mistaken assumption that Napoleon was a very short man – is what is known as a factoid. Grammar and language books are said to contain quite a few including the misapprehension that George Bernard Shaw once wrote: “This is something up with which I shall not put,” and once spelt “fish” as “ghoti” – hmm.